Thursday, January 31, 2008

Is it bad that...

I was totally distracted by Hilary's turquoise jewelry on the debate tonight? I did listen to everything she and Barrack Obama said but I couldnt take my eyes off her jewelry. I loved it!! Not only is she intelligent, earnest and witty, but that girl can accessorize! This was an interesting debate. Since it was just her and Obama there wasnt any chance for ganging up on anyone. With the exception of the B word. But I think he deserves it. Im totally behind Hilary but I think if Barrack were to win it wouldnt be horrible. The only thing that worries me about that is Oprah gaining that much more power. I mean really, the woman is cool and all but she just is starting to give off that Evil Empire vibe. Her new network will be called OWN for crying out loud. Maybe it's the teenage rebel in me but I just never trusted anything that soooo many people followed blindly.

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