Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lovely bath goodies


I had noticed that one of the nice girls in the Completely Pointless and Arbitrary Group group on Ravelry had an Etsy store selling bath goodies, so last week I decided to treat myself. So I went on and bought some Lavender shower gel, Rose bubble bar, lavender bubble bar, Ginger Peach Bath Salts & Tropical Escape laundry soap. And she sent sample goodies of a Clove Bath Bomb & Red Currant & Thyme lotion. So last night after going out to a nice dinner with Mom & Bob, I relaxed in the tub with the Clove bath bomb and it was absolutely lovely. I smell like dessert now and my skin isnt as dried out like it has been because of the heater.

In the words of Ferris Bueller, It is sooo choice, if you have the means I highly recommend checking it out.

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