This is Magick the day I brought her home. I bought her at the flea market from a stall that had asian vases and cheap plastic toys. She fit in my moms purse and she carried her around in there the rest of the day. My sister Teresa wanted to name her Abba. Bob thought she said Abra, like abrakadabra, and said why dont you just call her Magic. I saw the pentagram on her back and knew her name needed to be Magick.
This is her maybe a little over a year old. When she would play with a string or toy she would stare and cock her head until it almost turned around like an owl, then she would let out this big cute yawn. We used to guess how long till she would yawn. She also LOVED to lick your fingers, always when you pet or scratched her she would start licking your fingers. Once a friend was lying on my bed and his hand fell on the side under the bad and he jusmped up surprised cuz she sneak attacked him and started licking his fingers.
This is how I will remember her, all fat and cute. Last wednesday we took her in to the vet and let her go. It was time. She had this whine that just said "Mommy I dont feel good." and she was just tired of being in pain. I love her so much, and I miss her more than anything, but Im happy that she's no longer hurting.
Hey Hon, I'm sorry about Magick. You did the righ thing and now she's not in pain, she's up in kitty heaven and back to same sweet playfull self. feel better soon. love ya
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